Friday 28 January 2011

My Fifth Mistake

In a previous lesson on the 25th of January we learnt a little bit about DTP (Desktop Publishing) also about different types of font and how they're usually used , for example the font type Serif is usually used because it makes small bodies of text as the strokes lead the eye along the line, they usually connote tradition, the past or authority: "This is an example of Serif font"
Sans Serif is french for 'without serif' this is usually used as subheadings and mastheads. "This is an example of Sans Serif text"
The font type Script is used for personalisation it's best to use this sparingly this is usually comic sans and french script and the final font type of Display is only used for particular connotations these are either Impact or Broadway.

We Then explored some simple design principles, four of them to be exact. When I design a page of a magazine or a print advertisement I should consider four aspects:
1. Contrast
2. Repetition 
3. Alignment 
4. Proximity 

Contrast- makes different elements look different so it doesn't look bland and the exact same.
Repetition- gives a unity to the page design, by this I mean things like typography and colour.
Alignment- leads the eye around the page, this is done by where things are placed on the page.
Proximity- places related elements together.

Then finally, I was taught about planning advertising content.
We need a method of planning the content of print advertisements, one of the best known methods goes by the name of AIDA- the initial letters stand for, attention, interest, desire and action. This method is also useful in planning the front page of any print publications as this acts as an ad for the content.
I should also be wary of how I use the image, I should take time in finding the right images and not just rely on taking several and hoping one will work, I should also sketch out what I hope to achieve in the end before I start my work. The power of words is also vital, I must carefully choose the language of the publication appropriately in relations to the target audience.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

My Fourth Mistake

After I completed a rough copy at home and posted it on my blog, I went to school and edited my first copy with the rough copy I did at home I took the best parts of both and combined it to something I thought overall would improve it's apperance. I added headings then a fake release date in the bottom right of the page in small text.
Refer to the left.

Monday 24 January 2011

My Third Mistake

In the beginning of my second week since setting up my blog, I started to produce a magazine cover for a nature magazine, since it was just a trial to test if we could use photoshop or apply what we learnt to something else, anyway, as I had started to begin to get to grips with photoshop and how to work it, instead of coming up with my own nature magazine I decided to use an already recognized name to base it on this time, I chose the magazine National Geographic. The laptop I was working on suddenly turned off so I had to do everything again from scratch from home and it turned out something like this. (Refer to the right)

It turned out well, I will add more to it once I'm at school but the harder parts are done now such as the initial resizing of the image without losing any quality, and also adding a border, this is an easy thing to do in most programes but unnecessarily problematic in Photoshop.

I made a mistake in this part of my project which I will remember as I dwell deeper into the coursework, if I work on a laptop, save very frequently and ALWAYS check the battery life whilst going through my project.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

My Second Mistake

In today's Media lesson we learnt about Photoshop, the guy who taught knew what he was doing shame no one else did, or maybe I'm just slow, anyway I got completely lost but anyway I'm gonna practice at home till I'm competent at it. 
So basically I've accomplished nothing in my media lesson. 

Friday 14 January 2011

My First Mistake

Well I created this blog in today's lesson and it is sub parr, so far ....
Hmm ... Yeah so to summerise Media, I made this.
I also learnt that for the rest of the year I will be working on course work, thats going to go horribly since I work best at the very last minute. 
Anyway so I'm looking forward to learning how to use Photoshop, hope I learn something useful. 
The course will involve me making a music magazine cover, a contents page and a double page feature.

Oh and this is probably really obvious but I'm going for a theme, so this will be called "My First Mistake" the second will be called, yes you guessed it ..... "Debbie" 

I'm aware that's not funny ...